Is Aptos Connect free to use?

Yes! Aptos Connect is free to use for developers and users.

Does Aptos Connect work with sponsored transactions?

Yes. See Aptos developer docs (opens in a new tab) for an example of how to build a sponsored transaction.

Are there any differences between transactions sent from Aptos Connect via Keyless accounts vs. private key accounts?

Keyless accounts use a different signature scheme and require a different verification process on-chain. As a result, Keyless transactions are more expensive than transactions originating from a private-key account. However, due to Aptos’ scalability, gas fees are still very low even with keyless transactions.

Can a user have the same address in Aptos Connect and another ecosystem wallet that supports Keyless accounts?

No, address derivation for Aptos Keyless is domain specific. So, a user’s address will be unique for each application.

Is there a mobile application version of Aptos Connect?

No, currently there is only a browser-based version. However, Aptos Connect is mobile-compatible in that all interactions between the application and Connect are handled via browser pop-ups.

Is Aptos Connect secure?

Your Aptos Connect account is gated to only handle transactions through Aptos Connect, and can not be accessed directly by other applications. With Keyless, Aptos Connect servers get no access to your account, and you completely own your account with all private information stored locally. Aptos Connect has undergone internal and external security audits.

What should I be sure to educate my users on when using Aptos Connect?

The Keyless account created within Aptos Connect is controlled by the account used to log in (e.g. Google if ‘Sign in with Google’ was selected). If your users lose access to that account, they will no longer be able to access blockchain account(s) associated with Aptos Connect. In order to retain security, we recommend advising them to add backup options to their social sign-in account(s) and turning on 2FA.

My users will be signing in with their social sign in accounts. How does Aptos Connect protect their data?

Aptos Connect abides by all data protection requirements of PII. Additionally, Aptos Connect’s use of Aptos Keyless zero-knowledge technology ensures that all on-chain activity is obfuscated from the user’s username, maintaining on-chain privacy.